Talking urban fashion, history and advise on the Sway In The Morning show

On the Sway in the morning show, recorded August 18, 2016, Maurice Malone touches on his new denim brand Williamsburg Garment Company, but mainly talks urban fashion history with Sway and Heather B. Topics include lessons for young up-and-coming fashion designers, the pitfalls of breaking into the fashion industry as a black designer. Idolizing other African-American designers Patrick Kelly and Willi Smith who came before him and lessons learned from past business partners Simon Akiva and Ertis Pratt.
In The Hip Hop Shop discussion, they talk Paul Rosenberg as rapper Paul Bunyan, Eminem, Wu-Tang, Proof’s and his freestyle battle with Chris Webber. The show ends with a game where Maurice is told to pull two names of 90's hip hop fashion brands out of a hat and say which is the better brand. Brands compared, Cross Colours vs. Fubu, Karl Kani vs. Mecca and Phat Farm vs. Ecko Unltd.
Watch the video for more.
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